Recipe of Chianti Kitchen, the Tuscan
School of Cooking

For Soufflé Base
3 egg yolks
2 heaped tablespoons ordinary flour
2 cups fresh whole milk
This base can be used to make many
different soufflés.

For Pecorino Cheese Soufflé
4 tablespoons soufflé base
8 tablespoons grated Pecorino cheese
6 egg whites well mounted
50g (2oz) butter
Salt and pepper
4 individual ramekins

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Soufflé base: Beat lightly egg yolks, add 1 heaped table spoon of flour and mix.
Place whole milk in a small pot, put on low heat. Take 1 small ladle of cold milk and add to the yolk and flour mix to make it more liquid. Add the second tablespoon of flour, mix well and add another small ladle of milk which is now warm. Stir. Wait until the remaining milk reaches boiling point. Add it to the yolk mixture and continue to stir until the mix thickens to a custard consistence. Cover with cling wrap and let cool.

Pecorino soufflé: In a bowl mix together 4 tablespoons of soufflé mix, pecorino, salt and pepper. Mount egg whites to peaks and fold into the mixture. Fill well buttered individual ramekins to just above the rim, sprinkle with remaining pecorino and place in a preheated oven at 490° F for five minutes. Serve immediately.

Makes 4 servings

Chianti Kitchen, The Tuscan School of Cooking of Chef Seamus de Pentheny O'Kelly - Tuscany, Italy -